Saturday, October 24, 2009

children have an uncanny ability to remind you what you loved about your own childhood

Saturday, September 5, 2009

And more hobbies...

A few years ago, my grandmother won a sewing machine in a raffle and decided to upgrade hers. I then received her old one, and have completely fallen in love with it. I find myself trying to come up with ideas for clothes to make, wondering how to tweak this that and the other thing. I hope my daughter has as much fun with it as I am...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I've started getting very interested in photography and with my last tax return, bought a dslr by olympus. I'm enjoying learning the nuances of a manual camera and love the photos I come up with as I'm experimenting. Seeing what a difference lighting makes, and how just a slight angle change makes a world of difference. I remember seeing photos that my dad took as I was growing up, wishing I could do that someday. Looks like I'm getting the chance...