Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's morning... bah!!

I sit here watching my daughter play with my hairbrush, smiling and being such a happy baby and just generally resentful that I don't get to sleep a full night anymore. She gets to bed somewhere around 7pm, but I have stuff to do so I crawl into bed about 11-12 and then am awakened about 4ish for some ungodly reason... I have to be in to work at 12:30 and all I wanna do is go back to sleep for like 3 days... ugh

and I want to have another one... dear god I'm crazy...

1 comment:

  1. And people wonder why I didn't want a second one as a singleton.


    Just remember sweetie, someday she'll start sleeping in till 9 or 10 am and your sleeping pills will make sure you do too. :)
