Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I get to head out to work soon, happy happy joy joy. I'm getting increasingly tired of the fact that I can be counted on, but certain co-workers can't be. I work in the Deli of a grocery store for those who don't know, and we have been entrusted with making deep dish pizzas... and I'm friggin sick of making the damned things. I've stared to dislike pepperoni and sausage, and cheese.... the cheese is everywhere! Found the crap in my bra the other day...ugh. I'm tired, physically and emotionally. We're trying to get pregnant, but it sure is hard when one of you is either at work or asleep. I'm just looking forward to having 2 days off...

and all of this is typed while the baby is just making noise at the top of her lungs... which annoys me to no end on a good day. Today I just wanna smack the noise outta her.... so here I type.

Love the child, don't get me wrong... but jeez!!!

1 comment:

  1. All I'm gonna say is invest in some good quality ear plugs. :)
